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Bishop Wilson C. of E. Primary School

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10


September 2023 - July 2024

Summer Events

Summer Fayre - Friday 12th July 12.30 - 2.30pm

We will be having a Summer Fair on the field from 12.30-2.30pm, which will be run by school and supported
by the Friends of Bishop Wilson.

Parents will need to collect their child from class at 12pm. We hope that you will be able to join us for
this fun, family event.

Non-Uniform Days
We will be having a non-uniform day on Friday 28th June in return for donations towards our Summer
Fair. Please send your child in with any unwanted gifts, bottles of wine (please hand to teacher), toiletries etc.
On Friday 12th July, children can come to school in non-uniform (please wear something green to match our sustainability theme) in return for donations of cakes or chocolates.


Sports Days - Nursery to Year 6

  • R1 & Nursery Am/Mon-Wed session Sports day will be on Wednesday 19th June at 9.20am (Children can come to school in their PE Kit)
  • R2 & Nursery PM/Wed-Fri session Sports day will be on Wednesday 19th June at 2.15pm (Children can come to school in their PE Kit)
  • KS1 (Y1&2) Sports day will take place on Thursday 27th June at 1.45pm (Children to come to school in school uniform for class photos. Please bring PE kit and trainers to change in to)
  • KS2 (Y3, 4, 5, 6) Sports day will be on Thursday 4th July at 1.45pm (Children can come to school in their PE Kit)


All parents are invited to come along to cheer on their children


Charity Week 11th March - 15th March 2024


During our charity week we will be carrying out a number of activities in order to raise money for Edwards Trust. 

Children will take part in a sponsored walk/run as well as additional games and competitions within their PE lessons. They will be awarded points for their affiliated houses - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and an awards ceremony will take place at the end of the week.  A trophy will be awarded to the winning house.


Y1-Y6: On Friday we ask that your child wears sports clothes with something in their house colours

Nursery and Reception: Children will take part in their sponsored walk/run on Wednesday 13th March 2024. We ask that children wear their PE kit to school on this day.

Children have been sent home with a sponsorship form. Please ask the class teacher if you require additional/a replacement form

Easter Events

Easter Service in Church

We will be having our Easter Service in church on Friday 22nd March at 9.15am. The service is being led by children in Year 4.

Easter Bonnet Parade - Nursery to Year 1

Children from Year 1, Reception and Nursery AM/ first half of the week will have an Easter Bonnet Parade on Wednesday 20th March at 9am. 

Afternoon Nursery parents, and parents of children who attend Nursery for the second half of the week are invited to come to a parade on Wednesday 20th March at 12.30pm.

Parents of children who attend Nursery for 30 hours, may attend either the morning or afternoon parade.


We hope that all children will take part and that they will make their own bonnets, with a little help from their parents. 

Egg Decorating Competition - Years 2 to 6

We will be having an egg decorating competition again this year, and we welcome children to be as inventive as possible in their designs.

The closing date for entries is: Wednesday 20th March

World Book Day

On Friday 8th March 2024, we will be celebrating World Book Day. Children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character







Valentine's Disco

On Tuesday 6th February we will be holding a Valentine's Disco for Years 4, 5 and 6, and on Wednesday 7th February we will be holding a Valentine's Disco for Years 1, 2 and 3. If your child would like to attend the disco, please complete the permission form sent home with your child and make payment on ParentPay. Tickets are limited and sold on a first come first serve basis

Christmas Events


Christmas Holidays

Children break up for the Christmas holidays on Friday 22nd December and return to school on Tuesday 9th January (Monday 8th January is an INSET day). We wish all of our families a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Carol Concert

On Friday 22nd December Y2-6 will be performing a carol concert at the front of school at 9.15am. Parents are invited to come along to watch their child sing. We will also be collecting donations for The Edwards Trust.


Christmas Parties

On Thursday 21st December Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will be having their Christmas parties.


Key stage 2 (Y3-6) will have their Christmas parties on Friday 22nd December.

Nursery Christmas Party

Nursery children will be having their Christmas party on Wednesday 20th December. They will be inviting parents in on the day of their party to have a mince pie with the children.


Christmas Dinner

On Wednesday 20th December the children will be having their Christmas dinner. If your child would like to order one, please complete the slip on the letter sent out and return to school. If your child does not want a Christmas dinner, they must bring a packed lunch as there will be no other options on the day.


This year our Reception/Year 1 Nativity performances are on Tuesday 19th December at 2pm, and Thursday 21st December at 9.30am. Tickets are on sale and cost £1 each. The proceeds from the ticket sales will help to raise funds for the school. Unfortunately, due to health and safety, we need to limit tickets to two per family. These will be issued on a first come, first serve basis.

Christmas Fair

We will be holding our Christmas Fair on Friday 15th December. Please come along between 3.30-5.30pm with family and friends. Have a hot drink, a go on our tombola or see Santa in his grotto.


Non-Uniform Day

On Friday 8th December we are having a non uniform day to support our Christmas Fair. If your child wishes to come to school wearing sensible clothes which are not uniform, they must bring something for our Christmas Fair. Please note that face paints and hair dye are not appropriate.


Suggestions for our Christmas Fair:

  • any new, unwanted gifts
  • toys or teddies in good conditions
  • bottle for the tombola (please hand any wine bottles to the class teacher - do not send it in with your child).

Christmas Jumper Day


Friday 15th December is Christmas Jumper Day. Children can wear a Christmas jumper, or something Christmassy, in return for a cake/biscuit/chocolate donation for the Christmas Fair


Spooky Disco

On Wednesday 25th October we will be holding a Spooky Disco for Years 4, 5 and 6, and on Thursday 26th October we will be holding a Spooky Disco for Years 1, 2 and 3. If your child would like to attend the disco, please complete the permission form and make payment on ParentPay.


Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 29th September, we will be holding our Macmillan Coffee Morning from 9-10.30am. If you would like to donate any cakes for us to sell at the event, please hand these in on the morning of 29th September.

In return for a £1 donation, children can wear a green accessory and also bring in a cake /biscuit to have their own celebration at snack time.

In memory of Mrs Purnell, we will still be running her colouring competition. Pictures have been sent out with your child. If you require a new copy, please contact the office.

Interactive Bar

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